Saturday, December 5, 2009

12/5 - Can't Stop and Hive

Can't Stop

Won't somebody please help us stop? We Can't Stop! Seriously, I'm trapped in the internet. OK, actually, this was our last game of this for a while, but we've already gotten more than 50 cents of gameplay I'd say.


This evening, we went and visited my mom. I brought along Hive, a recent acquisition courtesy of the Black Diamond Games auction. My mom has a huge bee fetish - well, enthusiasm at any rate: she was a second grade teacher and teaching kids about bees was one of her favorite parts of the year. No surprise then that she really liked the theme of this game. She has asked me about "the bee game" a number of times since, but it's been hard to find time to play with her juggling 4 grandbabies and chasing/following my dad all around the globe in her retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Where in gods name did you find a copy of Can't Stop for 50 cents?! Ah, to be back in the States... that would cost £39.99 in the UK.

