Monday, July 20, 2009

Say Anything - July 18th, 2009

Say Anything
(image courtesy Dominic Crapuchettes)
In this hybrid of Apples to Apples and Wits and Wagers, players must predict how the host of the round might answer a question, and then everyone must try to guess which of the predictions the host actually chooses as his or her favorite.

I'd just gotten this game this week and I was excited to try it out. Hilary and I played 2 quick games of this with John, Carissa, Spencer, Kaeli, and Aaron. Unfortunately, the beer was flowing by this time and I completely forgot to take any pictures or record who won (though I recall John won the second game).

Of course, it's not really a game where winning or losing is the point. The point is to find out things like I'm not the only one who thinks that the Rolling Stones are overrated, or that Aaron thinks that the best thing about being a woman is multiple orgasms, and those are things I will take with me to my cold cold grave.

I think this game is pretty darn cool, but if you have a competitive streak you aren't willing to quash for a game like this, it will drive you nuts just as surely as Apples to Apples or Pictionary. It does work better when the players all know each other.

Score: When the score is fun to fun, everyone's a winner!
Game time: 20 minutes per game

1 comment:

  1. Well, what do you think is the best thing about being a woman? - Aaron

